Take care of your roof this winter
Whether you live in Chicago and get buried in snow each winter or you live in California where temperatures might drop below 60 every once in a while, winter weather still poses a challenge for your roof. That’s because even in warmer climates, storms are more common during the winter months. Strong winds and heavy rains can cause just as many serious problems for your roof as snow can. So wherever you live, it’s important to know how to take care of your roof throughout the winter months when roof damage is the most common.
Watch for roof damage
Often times, problems with your roof manifest themselves during the winter. After all, you won’t know your roof has a leak until there’s a good rain. Some signs of roof damage, such as a major leak, are pretty obvious; others require some detective work. Watch for any signs of water damage inside your home. You might notice some discoloration towards the top of your walls or a slight bulging of your ceiling.
You should also check for roof damage before problems start inside your home. Look at the roof itself for any visible signs of damage. Broken, curling, or missing shingles are an obvious sign that your roof needs some attention.
Find the source of the leak
If you’re discovered a leak in your roof, the next step is to determine where it’s coming from. Many mistakenly assume that the source of the leak must be directly above the leak itself. In actuality, water has a strange way of moving to different parts of your home between the time it gets under your roof to the time it comes through the ceiling. In many cases, the source of the leak is easy to spot, it may require the skilled eye of a roofing company.
A possible leak source often overlooked is the edge of the roof near the rain gutter. When rain gutters are clogged with leaves and branches, rain water can get backed up and seep under the shingles. Make sure to keep your rain gutters cleared out throughout the year but especially during the winter.
Hire the right contractor
As soon as you discover any problems with your roof you will want to contact a roofing contractor as soon as possible. Don’t make the mistake of automatically going with the cheapest contractor or the one with the most open schedule. After all, the company with few appointments and the cheapest prices is likely to be a less desirable choice. Instead do a little investigative work and find an experienced but affordable roofing company to do the job.
Home improvement news brought to you by bartonroof.com